Uncertainty is also known as opportunity

hello world!

Change brings about uncertainty but also opportunity

After working with a client in a creative capacity for a while, you build a relationship based upon mutual understanding of goals, confidence in delivery and trust that the quality of the product meets the clients expectation. Clients know that quality, reliability and consistency are fundamental factors that exist in strong relationships and are wary to gamble valuable marketing budget using unknown photographers without significant proof of a good track record.

Even the slightest change in the photographer-client relationship dynamic, can prove tricky to handle as it unsettles the balance that exists. Stability of personnel and trust is key, so when a change of personnel at the top of the food chain happens and a re-branding of the company is ordered, the established photographer can find that their known service is overlooked in preference for other photographers that the new marketing manager has worked with previously.

At a critical photographer/client junction like this, it can be very easy to part ways and lose a valuable client. Many clients come and go over time, but those that value the service your company offers may chose to provide the opportunity for the photographer to show that the new brand style can be provided through the existing service. A good commercial photographer is able to adapt their style to suit most client needs. They'll understand a brief, adapt to the brand style and create the opportunity for the client relationship to continue along the newly developed path. Developing your photography style, improving your skills and building strong relationships is fundamental to longevity in business, but at the core of any business is the service experience. If the experience of working with you is below par, you may not get a second look in. However, if you provide a good customer experience, the client may think twice about replacing you and provide a chance to prove yourself.

Here's a few examples of the new 'documentary style' brand, that shows environment, targets the demographic and contains a strong message of authenticity and inspiration. Getting your head into the new brand look and feel is all about appreciating the aesthetics, once you've cracked that, its plain sailing.

I hope you like them, feel free to share your comments below. Until next time.

